Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Game

How did we get here? Where did all this animosity come from? When did we change from creatures of high intellect and abilities to just monsters who are just looking for an excuse to pounce on each other?

I try to close my eyes and look for reasons but all i can see is this flash of cold hatred rushing from one side of my head to another.

Why do we try to take over? Why do we need a stamp on everything in our vicinity to tell the rest of the world about our ownership? Heck, why do we need to prove it to ourselves?
Politics. Not country level. Politics in a small community, a group of people. A society, a college, or just a group of friends. Why did we find it necessary to complicate the simplest of things like that?

Was it the need to complicate it or was it just to make things more interesting?
And was it worth it?

What was the point of adding ingredients of contrast into a perfect dish?
Did you enjoy it? Will you enjoy it five years later when you have so much to worry about that today will be completely forgotten?

When we were told that life's a game, why did we think that the winner always gets to rule the world? Or a tiny piece of it? And why was this the ONE game that was always about winning when all we did everyday was tell everyone else that it wasn't? Or was that part of the game too, eliminating competition?
And who made the rules? Were they always there, passed down from generation to generation like a precious heirloom? Or did we just misunderstand it when they said 'live life by your own rules'? And were these rules meant solely for us or did we just assume that our rules must fit everyone else's lives? Or worse, that everyone else must try and alter their lives to fit our rules?

Can't we live a perfectly meaningful life without making such a fuss out of everything?

The questions have always been out there, but no one's really trying to find an answer. We're all just too busy playing.