Sunday, January 1, 2012

365 + Damien Rice

Happy New Year! ! 
So I've decided to finally find a way to be and stay motivated. And I'm doing the 365 Project. Basically what I've to do, is make something, anything, everyday, and upload it. And I don't mean commercial projects. Just a photograph, or an illustration, or anything I feel like. Everyday. So here goes. Day 1!!  :)
(PS. Okay, I'm a little late. Deal with it.)

This is my illustration for The Blower's Daughter by Damien Rice.

Medium - Ink, 0.5 mm

For those who haven't heard of Damien Rice yet, you really should. He's fucking brilliant. :)


  1. Hey! Just chanced upon your blog! Its really wonderful!This project 365 sounds promising.We all go through dearth of creativity man.No point being bogged down by it.Where the difference lies is in what we choose to do about it.Great start.Glad I came here and got motivated!
